** Transfer credit review petitions̀ưare on pause for two weeks while the website is migrated to a new software version. Please check back on Monday, Oct. 14th to see if the form is open again. We apologize for the inconvenience. **̀ư


This form is to request a review of courses already transferred from other institutions with Arts and Sciences content for possible applicability to MAPS, Gen Ed, or general electives. This form may also be used to submit course syllabi for courses that have an SY iflg or NEED SYLLABUS notation under the Transfer Evaluation tab of your degree audit. Courses for Major or Minor requirements/ancillary requirements should be taken to your academic advisor for review by the department.

You may submit up to 6 courses at a time from a single institution using this online form. If you are requesting a review of courses from more than one institution, please use a new form for each institution.

Upon completion of the transfer work, it is the student's responsibility to request that the transfer institution mail an official transcript to: Admissions Processing, University of Colorado 552 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309. Once the work has transferred contact your advisor for necessary follow-up.

Note: Credits generally transfer as indicated on the final official transcript. Upper/lower division and number of quarter/semester credits completed are usually determined by the official transcript from the transfer institution. 1 quarter hour = .67 semester hour

Courses will be considered for transfer only if earned with grades of "C-" or better (or equivalent to 1.7 or better on a 4.0 scale) at an accredited university or college.

Though courses from other institutions may be fully transferable, use of transfer work in a degree program is subject to all limitations on course work specified in the Arts & Sciences section of the CU catalog and subject to final approval by the Dean's Office in consultation with faculty in the appropriate disciplines.

We will NOT accept:
• Remedial courses or those courses that are necessary to correct academic deficiencies in English, Math (includes some business math courses), Reading, Science or
Developmental Reading.
• Vocational-technical courses that are offered at two year institutions and proprietary institutions.
• Religion courses that constitute specialized religious training or are of a doctrinal nature.
• Credit earned through work experience or through a cooperative education program.
• Outdoor leadership and related courses through Outward Bound, NOLS or similar programs.
• Physical education activity courses.


Please allow 3-5 weeks for processing.
