Published: June 19, 2017

Please join us in welcoming our new Graduate Research Assistant, Patrick Chimenti! Patrick graduated with a dual B.A. in International Letters & Visual Studies and Psychology from Tufts University in 2013 and he currently studies modern Japanese literature as an M.A. student in the Department for Asian Languages & Civilizations here at CU. His areas of specialty are Japanese intellectual history, postwar Japanese literature, and the literature of trauma. He has traveled to and studied in several countries across East Asia, including Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

In 2015, Patrick was awarded a MonbukagakushÅ Research Fellowship to study literature and art of the postwar Japanese avant-garde movement at Waseda University in Tokyo. During his fellowship, Patrick developed an interest in the legacy of TenkÅ literature in the postwar literary landscape and he has given conference papers in Japanese language on the subject.

Patrick has translated several essays and works of short fiction by the Japanese writer Abe KÅbÅ and he is currently writing his Master’s thesis on the early works of the Japanese writer and sinologist Takeda Taijun.