SARC Protocol- Forms & Process
If your protocol requires approval per the criteria on the New Protocol page you will need the following documents to continue.
Items for SARC Submission
For questions or assistance please contact the CTRC administrator:
Nikki Leonardo
Protocol Submission Process
PI Submits Documents to CTRC Administrator
Protocol receives a quick CTRC review
Documents submitted to SARC by CTRC Administrator
SARC issues Notice of Review
Reviews take place at UCH biweekly. Protocol is reviewed. If changes are necessary a memo from the chair is issued to PI.
Notice of Scientific Merit (SARC Approval)
PI submits approved protocol to Boulder IRB
Once IRB approval is obtained PI can contact the CTRC Nursing Teamto set up the Protocol Initiation (PI) meeting.
Please include the approved version of your protocol, IRB approval letters, consent forms and any other pertinent documents.