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Meet Our Undergrads: Sarah Mesgina

sarah mesgina and her brother

We sat down with graduating fourth-year electrical and computer engineering (ECE) student Sarah Mesgina to share about her CU Engineering experience and why ECE matters!

Did you always know that you wanted to study engineering?
Not right away. My brother studied medicine and at first I wanted to follow in his footsteps. One day my brother cut his knee open and realized there’s no way I saw myself studying medicine, but I wanted to see other parts of STEM. So, why not engineering? Engineering was the best of both worlds since I enjoyed STEM and working with my hands so I steered in that direction.Ìý

Ultimately, you decided on electrical and computer engineering?Ìý
I actually started with civil engineering during the COVID year where everything was online. Within the first couple of weeks I decided civil was not for me but took a computer science class and loved it. I fell upon electrical and computer engineering and switched my major the second semester my freshman year.

Why do you think electrical and computer engineering is important in society?
It’s the basis for everything. You can’t use any type of electronics without electrical engineering. Every single electronic we use has a printed circuit board and we’re the ones who make that! There’s no way society would function and electrical engineering makes the world go around nowadays.

What are your next steps after graduation, Sarah?
I have two job offers so far with international companies and I love to travel so that works out. One company is supply chain related but has engineering opportunities and the other one has a rotational program within the company. I’m weighing my options and seeing which one will be a better fit for me. I am beyond ecstatic for both.Ìý

What are some memorable experiences during your time at CU Boulder?
I would definitely say being involved in the organizations I’ve been part of like Black Student Alliance (BSA). We hold a formal every year which has the best vibes and we’re all genuinely happy to be just around people that look like me. Other than the BSA, I’ve been part of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), which is supported by the BOLD Center.Ìý

What is your favorite aspect about being involved with NSBE?
Honestly, it’s about the community and how close knit people become, which is just huge for me. I love being able to talk to people who have the same backgrounds especially at a PWI and you click easier.Ìý

Favorite place on campus?
The BOLD Center! I’m honestly here more often than at home. A lot of friends are here and it’s always great to be around here since it’s very welcoming along with the free snacks.Ìý

Favorite engineering class?
CSCI 1300: Intro to Computer Science helped me decide to go into the electrical and computer engineering major.Ìý

Memorable undergraduate experience?Ìý
Studying abroad for a semester at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid was simply amazing. I took a masters of art class where they would teach us art during class and we got to visit museums with our professor while we were out there. It was fun and beautiful at the same time! If I have one thing to say to undergrads, it’s find time to study abroad. CU Boulder helped me so much where I could afford it.Ìý

Who is a role model you look up to?Ìý
My brother definitely took on the role where he was like my dad and brother at the same time. He ended up going to med school. Everybody knows med school is hard, but it’s different when I saw my brother studying so hard for it. He ended up getting into his top choice for residency which was so inspiring. I couldn’t look up to a better person.

What will you miss the most about CU Boulder?
I’m definitely going to miss seeing my friends every day and seeing the Flatiron Mountains which are so beautiful.Ìý

Top Photo: Mesgina on her worldly travels in Morocco; Middle Photo: NSBE at their 2022 regionals conference in Atlanta; Botton Photo: Mesgina along with her brother.Ìý