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Tim Watts: Working for Maxar

Fitz Roy Massif in Patagonia, Argentina

A high off-nadir image of the Fitz Roy Massif in Patagonia, Argentina. Taken by World View 3.

My Name is Tim Watts, I graduated in December of 2021 with a B.A. in Geography. I am half Coriscan (a French Island) and half American, from Colorado. My time at CU challenged me, and in my mind prepared me well for life after university. Looking for a job in competitive markets can be stressful, but I believe that my experience at the University of Colorado, and specifically the Department of Geography, helped me succeed in finding the work that I wanted to do.


World View Legion satellite

One of Maxar’s new World View Legion satellites that will launch on a Space X rocket in January 2023.

Tim Watts mountain climbing
Enjoying the benefits of remote working in Chamonix, France.

Today I work at Maxar Technologies, a leader in Aerospace and Earth Intelligence. I was able to secure my position in March of 2022, three months after graduation. This came with immense relief as I frequently heard that this process can take several months to a year.

I now work on a global team that supports public and private sector customers in using one of our flagship products, SecureWatch. SecureWatch is an online platform which allows users to access our 10+ petabyte archive of high-resolution imagery, collected over the past 20 years. Customers can also order new imagery, provided by our constellation of Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites. We collect nearly 4 million square kilometers of new imagery per day. Working in the geospatial industry is amazing, but I must say that I dearly miss all of the special experiences and lectures during my time at the Geography Department.