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HRSC Process Update: Hiring Students and Non-T/TT Faculty

Hiring, transfers and promotions for all campus employment types will now require review and approval from the appropriate Cabinet member, which is the Chancellor, the Provost, or the Chief Operating Officer depending upon the position. For the purposes of HRSC processes, a few exceptions to the cabinet level approval are listed below.Ìý to understand what level of approval is required for all position types.Ìý

  • Undergraduate and graduate student positions, including student stipends, may proceed with department Chair/Director (or designee) approval, if there is work available and able to be performed.
  • Non-tenure track faculty positions, including clinical faculty, lecturers, instructors, adjuncts, etc., may proceed with Dean (or designee) approval, provided that there is clear and compelling demand for the services of these positions. There will be periodic review of these appointments at the level of the Office of the Provost.

HR Service Center Process Change

New columns will be added to the hire spreadsheets for student hires and student stipend hires to include Approval Notes.Ìý HR Liaisons must confirm that approval has been gained from the appropriate authority, department Chair/Director (or designee), based on Campus guidance.Ìý The HRSC does not need source documentation, only confirmation that it’s occurred.

For Non-T/TT Faculty that require the Hiring Approval Form 2020, the HR Service Center no longer requires the offer letter. For complete information, the HRSC needs the form and the Faculty Contract Spreadsheet.