sbs lab

Lab director, Dr. Zuo invited to give two seminars, at Drexel University and Lehigh University.

April 25, 2022

Lab director, Dr. Wangda Zuo, was invited to two in-person seminars last week, to speak about his ongoing work on smart, sustainable, and resilient cities. On April 19, Dr. Zuo spoke at the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at Drexel University, and on April 21 Dr. Zuo spoke...

sbs lab

Lab director, Dr. Zuo is featured on the College of Engineering's website at Penn State University.

April 14, 2022

Lab director, Dr. Zuo is featured on the College of Engineering 's website at Penn State University. He recently joined the Penn State College of Engineering as a professor of architectural engineering. He also serves as associate director for the Global Building Network, an initiative that aims to advance building...

sbs lab

Lab director, Dr. ZuoĚýwill give a webinar on Modeling in Building to Grid Integration on April 28.

April 14, 2022

Lab director, Dr. Zuo will give a webinar on modeling in building to grid integration on April 28. This webinar will introduce system modeling in the context of building-to-grid integration. Relevant concepts with a focus on requirements for system modeling are provided as background information. Then, methods to address those...

sbs lab

Lab members, Nasim and Saranya, received ASHRAE Rocky Mountain Chapter Student Scholarship.

April 3, 2022

Ph.D. students, Nasim Mamaghani and Saranya Anbarasu received the 2021-22 ASHRAE Rocky Mountain Chapter Student Scholarship. The regional ASHRAE chapter at Denver awards scholarships to students who demonstrate a strong background in HVAC&R and have good communication and leadership skills. The award announcements were made during the virtual student night...

sbs lab

Paper on Carbon Emission Responsive Building Control has been published in Applied Energy.

March 28, 2022

This paper proposes a carbon emission responsive building control framework for controlling thermostatically controllable loads such as heat pumps and heat pump water heaters. The control decisions are made in response to the real-time grid carbon emission intensity signals to shift the loads from “unclean” hours to “clean” hours. The...

sbs lab

SBS Lab held an in-person event to share our findings on U.S. – Ireland R&D partnership project with collaborators.

March 28, 2022

SBS Lab met with our collaborators from Ireland last week to discuss the project milestones. In this two-day international event, SBS Lab talked about our research findings and direction of the project with our collaborators. This was the first time that SBS Lab hosted a face-to-face event with international collaborators...

sbs lab

Lab member, Cary Faulkner successfully passed his Ph.D. comprehensive examination.

March 21, 2022

Ph.D. candidate Cary Faulkner successfully passed his comprehensive examination on Thursday, March 17 2022. He presented his thesis proposal entitled "Advanced Modeling of HVAC Operation for Sustainable and Resilient Office Buildings During the COVID-19 Pandemic" to six committee members, including professors from CU and national laboratory scientists from Lawrence Berkeley...

sbs lab

Lab alumnus, Dr. Ye, has been awarded the prestigious 2022 Homer Addams Award.

Feb. 16, 2022

SBS Lab alumnus, Dr. Yunyang Ye , has been selected as recipient of the 2022 Hommer Addams Award. This award was given in recognition of his contribution to the ASHRAE research project RP-1771, " Developement of new baseline models for U.S. medium office buildings based on commercial buildings energy consumption...

sbs lab

Paper on Modelica-based Modeling and Simulation of District Cooling Systems has been published in Applied Energy.

Feb. 16, 2022

While equation-based object-oriented modeling language Modelica can evaluate practical energy improvements for district cooling systems, few have adopted Modelica for this type of large-scale thermo-fluid system. In collaboration with LBNL and NREL through the URBANopt-Modelica project , this work is one of the first district cooling case studies to include...

SBS lab

Paper on Daily Power Demand Prediction for Buildings at Large Scale has been published in Building Simulation.

Feb. 8, 2022

Large scale power demand prediction for buildings plays a great role in stable operation and management for the grid. To predict large scale power demand in an accurate and fast way, our team has developed a new method called E-GAN, which combines a physics-based model (EnergyPlus) and a data-driven model...
