Hydrologic Controls On Nutrient Processing In A Sub-Arctic Stream

Koch , Joshua 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 ; Striegl , Robert 3 ; Runkel , Robert 4 ; Wickland , Kimberly 5 ; Ewing , Stephanie 6 1 USGS 2 INSTAAR 3 USGS 4 USGS 5 USGS 6 USGS The balance between runoff and storage is critical to...

Thirty Years In The Bull's-Eye: A Climatology Of Meter-Class Snow Storms In The Front Range Foothills

Keen , Richard A. 1 1 University of Colorado Although the Colorado Front Range can be considered a semi-arid climate zone, it is subject to occasional large snowfalls. ¿ªÐÄ¹í´«Ã½ once every two years, on average, a single storm will leave one to two meters of new snow in the foothills...

Siple Dome Ice Cores: Implications For West Antarctic Climate And ENSO Events

Jones , Tyler R. 1 ; White , James 2 1 Environmental Studies & INSTAAR, CU-Boulder 2 Geological Sciences & INSTAAR, CU-Boulder Ice cores at Siple Dome, West Antarctic receive the majority of their precipitation from Pacific Ocean moisture sources. Pacific climate patterns, particularly the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, affect the...

INVITED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Adapting The Water Paradigm To A Changing World

Hellmuth , Molly 1 1 International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) at the Earth Institute of Columbia University Achieving water security is a major challenge of the century, particularly in developing country contexts. Population growth and economic development are significantly increasing water demands; while decreasing water quality is...

Dissolved Organic Matter Within A Section Of The Boulder Creek Watershed

Gabor , Rachel 1 ; Russell , Nina 2 ; Blum , Alex 3 ; Eilers , Katie 4 ; McKnight , Diane 5 1 INSTAAR and Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80302, USA 2 INSTAAR and Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80302, USA...

INVITED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Snowmelt Runoff, The Fourth Paradigm, And The End Of Stationarity

Dozier , Jeff 1 1 Donald Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California at Santa Barbara In the 21st century, a crucial question for mountain snowpacks worldwide is: How do we reliably predict snowmelt runoff and associated demand as climate changes, populations grow, land use evolves, and...

INVITED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Understanding Our Climate Through Precipitation Measurements

Doesken , Nolan 1 1 Colorado State Climatologist and Senior Research Associate, Director, Fort Collins Weather Station Underlying most work in hydrologic science is a basic knowledge of climatic characteristics of precipitation -- the quantity, frequency, intensity, duration of precipitation as well as information on how precipitation varies geographically, seasonally,...

Assessment Of Dynamical Downscaling In Japan

Dairaku , Koji 1 ; Pielke Sr. , Roger A 2 ; Beltran-Przekurat , Adriana B 3 ; Iizuka , Satoshi 4 ; Sasaki , Wataru 5 1 CIRES, University of Colorado 2 CIRES, University of Colorado 3 CIRES, University of Colorado 4 National Research Institute for Earth Science and...

Determining A Removal Threshold For Didymosphenia Geminata

Cullis , James D 1 1 University of Colorado Previous studies in Boulder Creek, CO, have shown that maximum shear stress is a significant factor in determining the abundance of the nuisance diatom Didymosphenia geminata. The aim of this study was to investigate this observation further in order to determine...

Climate Change And Increasing Zinc Concentrations In A Rocky Mountain Acid Rock Drainage Stream

Crouch , Caitlin 1 ; Todd , Andrew 2 ; McKnight , Diane 3 ; Ling , Alison 4 ; Robinson , Patrick 5 1 INSTAAR, CU Environmental Studies Graduate Program 2 INSTAAR 3 INSTAAR, CU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 4 Graduate Student, CU Department of Civil and...
