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Inorganic And Organic Content Of Dust On Snow In The Colorado Front Range, USA

Parman , Jordan N 1 ; Williams , Mark W 2 ; Ingersoll , George P 3 ; Schuster , Paul F 4 1 Department of Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder 2 Department of Geography and Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University...

Groundwater Mixing Using Pulsed Dipole Injection/Extraction Well

Neupauer , Roseanna M. 1 ; Radabaugh , Cristyn R. 2 ; Mays , David C. 3 1 Univ. of Colorado 2 University of Colorado Denver 3 University of Colorado Denver If groundwater is contaminated with a degradable contaminant, degradation can be enhanced by injecting chemicals, microbes, or carbon sources...

Identifying Material Property Boundaries From LIDAR Data Using Wavelet Analysis

Moreira , Alan B 1 ; Neupauer , Roseanna M 2 ; Weismann , Gary 3 ; Frechette , Jed 4 ; Wawrzyniec , Tim 5 1 University of Colorado 2 University of Colorado 3 University of New Mexico 4 University of New Mexico 5 University of New Mexico Wavelet...

Global Scale Climatic And Atmospheric Influences On The Chemical Character Of Dissolved Organic Matter In Alpine And Remote Lakes

Mladenov , Natalie 1 ; Morales-Baquero , Rafael 2 ; Sommaruga , Ruben 3 ; Camarero , Lluis 4 ; Laurion , Isabel 5 ; Dieguez , Maria 6 ; Reche , Isabel 7 1 INSTAAR, University of Colorado 2 Universidad de Granada 3 University of Innsbruck 4 Centre d'Estudis...

Characterization Of Water Chemistry In The Presence Of Didymosphenia Geminata Growth In Boulder Creek

McLoughlin , Rachel 1 ; Gabor , Rachel 2 ; McKnight , Diane 3 1 University of Colorado at Boulder 2 University of Colorado at Boulder 3 University of Colorado at Boulder Dissolved organic matter plays a vital role in many aquatic ecosystem processes. This study explores water chemistry changes...

The Effect Of Nuisance Diatom Growth On Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities

McLaughlin , Aimee 1 ; McKnight , Diane 2 1 University of Colorado at Boulder; INSTAAR 2 University of Colorado at Boulder; INSTAAR Didymosphenia geminata is a freshwater benthic diatom found in cold, mountain streams. In the past ten years it has become a nuisance species, producing a persistent stalk...

Water Availability Controls On Community Structure Of An Ephemeral Meltwater Stream Ecosystem In The McMurdo Dry Valleys

McKnight , Diane 1 ; Simmons , Breana 2 ; Stanish , Lee 3 1 INSTAAR and CEA Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder 2 Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, Colorado State University 3 INSTAAR and Environmental Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder The McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica contain many...

Results Of Operational Near Real-Time Radiometric Soil Moisture Imaging In CLASIC 2007

McIntyre , Eric M. 1 ; Gasiewski , Albin J 2 2 Presenting Author 1 CU/ECE Center for Environmental Technology 2 CU/ECE Center for Environmental Technology During summer 2007 the CU Center for Environmental Technology operated the PSR/CXI scanning C and X-band radiometer onboard the NASA P-3B aircraft. The observation...

Sediment Plumes In Sondre Stromfjord, Greenland As A Proxy For Run-Off From The Greenland Ice Sheet

McGrath , Daniel 1 ; Steffen , Konrad 2 ; Overeem , Irina 3 1 CIRES 2 CIRES 3 INSTAAR In situ measurements to quantify run-off from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) are hindered by logistical difficulties associated with the large, remote and spatially diverse nature of the ice sheet...

A 3ka Record Of Annually Resolved Climate And Ice Sheet Activity From Glacial Lake Hvitarvatn, Iceland

Larsen , Darren J 1 ; Miller , Gifford H 2 ; Geirsdóttir , Áslaug 3 1 INSTAAR, University of Colorado 2 INSTAAR, University of Colorado 3 University of Iceland It is widely accepted that 20th century warming has had the most profound effects in the Arctic, where strong positive...
