River Angress - Bedroom Tunes

Music EP
4 songs, 12 minutes

Bedroom Tunes is a four-song EP, dabbling in the genres of techno, ambient, and downtempo music. Each song has its own vibe, but when played in a sequence, together they make up Bedroom Tunes.

Bedroom Tunes

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Bedroom Tunes is my firstĚýEP. I produced the music with Logic Pro X, using my keyboard, beat pad, and a guitar. The four songs are named after the feeling they gave me when listening to them, or the samples I used in the songs. Each song has its own feeling when played, and some of the genres I experimented with could be considered techno, ambient, downtempo, and chillwave. The EP does not have any special meaning to it, since it lacks lyrics, but I created this piece with the intentions of giving listeners a good feeling when they hear these four songs.

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