
Educational Events

A few times each semester and over the summer, ISPE puts on events to get industry professionals and students connected and up-to-date on new technologies and products, and as a student chapter, most of the fees associated with these events are free for students. In both the Fall and Spring semesters, there are Educational Events in which students have the opportunity to show off their research in a poster competition with scholarships and various other rewards as prizes. Dinner is provided and there is usually a speaker. During the 2018 Fall Educational Event, the talk was about the growing Anschutz campus and the increased need for healthcare (including engineers!) professionals.

Annual Vendor Show

The Vendor Show is hosted in the Spring and precedes the annual ISPE ski trip. At the Vendor Show, you can expect to see aisles of pharma company representatives waiting to tell you all about their company/product/process with free swag. Like the Educational Events, there will be a speaker on up and coming pharma topics. As with all ISPE events, food and drinks are provided.

Summer Golf Tournament

There is an annual Golf Tournament in August to allow members the opportunity to connect in a more casual setting. Generally, each company participating will have a team and there is a different ā€œthemeā€ at each hole. Some companies make piƱa coladas, some play games, and some have raffles. CU, along with the CSU student chapter and the Young Professionals group, usually has a fundraiser and swag. Last year, we raised money for Multiple Sclerosis and our student chapter by running a ā€œDrive of your lifeā€ campaign.


Throughout the year, there are several opportunities to travel to attend ISPE conferences. The conferences are set up similarly to the Vendor Show in that there are booths with companies and swag, but there are also educational seminars. In December of 2018, the Rocky Mountain Chapter of ISPE funded the travel and conference fees for five students to attend the Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Conference in Huntington Beach, CA.

As a new member, these events can seem intimidating, but keep in mind that these are all great opportunities for you to network and meet with people you may work with one day! If nothing else, you will learn more about the industry. You can also lean on other students for support ā€“ we have all been to these events before and can talk to you about what to expect. In general, the professionals attending these events are there for the same reasons as you ā€“ to learn more about the industry and make connections!

To stay up-to-date on the goings on of our chapter and for details about weekly meetings, check out our google calendar!