CU-Boulder Sponsors Painting, Building, And 'Kid Stuff' To Promote Campus-Community Involvement

Oct. 21, 1998

As part of "CU in the Community" month at the University of Colorado at Boulder, faculty, staff and students will be painting two youth shelters, helping to build a Habitat for Humanity house and hosting elementary students from Denver and Boulder on campus this Saturday, Oct. 24. Activities on National "Make A Difference" day, Saturday, will match faculty, staff and students who want to help out with programs that need support. They include:

Lectures On Corporate Culture Of Sea World, Global Telecommunications Slated Oct. 28, 29

Oct. 21, 1998

The corporate culture of the Sea World marine parks and the impact of global telecommunications systems will be discussed in separate lectures at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Oct. 28 and 29. Both are free and open to the public. Dan Schiller, professor of communications at the University of California-San Diego, will lecture on "Transnational Telecommunications and the Global Reorganization of Production" on Oct. 28 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Old Main Chapel.

CU-Boulder Center To Fly Hardware Experiments On Oct. 29 Shuttle Mission

Oct. 20, 1998

A University of Colorado at Boulder-based space center will fly eight experiments on the Oct. 29 mission of NASA's space shuttle Discovery, which marks the return to space of former Mercury astronaut John Glenn. BioServe Space Technologies, a joint venture between NASA, CU-Boulder and Kansas State University, will undertake a variety of industry-driven, life-science experiments on the 10-day spaceflight of Columbia, said David Klaus of aerospace engineering sciences, BioServe's mission manager for the flight.

An Open Letter To The Boulder Campus Community from Jean Kim, Vice Chancellor For Student Affairs, On Behalf Of The Division Of Student Affairs, University Of Colorado At Boulder

Oct. 18, 1998

The murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of Wyoming, is an outrage and unacceptable to our society. Shepard was beaten, pistol-whipped, tied to a fence and left to die by several young people because of his sexual orientation. Any student death brings sadness. A death caused by this particular kind of violence is appalling. As educators, we work diligently to promote acceptance between diverse groups. When violence and death occur because of hate against an individualÂ’s differences, it affects all of us.

CU Wizards Series Explores Liquid Crystals On Oct. 31

Oct. 18, 1998

On Halloween, the CU Wizards series will combine physics, chemistry and engineering to fascinate local children with a presentation titled "liquid crystals." Professors Noel Clark, David Walba and Joe Maclennan of the University of Colorado at Boulder and Chris Conery of Broomfield High School will teach children some of the basic concepts of liquid crystals using exciting experiments and lively visual displays. The presentation will be held Saturday, Oct. 31, at 9:30 a.m. in the Duane Physics building, room G-030, on the CU-Boulder campus.

CU Space Scientists Involved In NASA's Deep Space 1 Mission

Oct. 18, 1998

A University of Colorado at Boulder professor is part of a science team working with a miniaturized, futuristic space probe capable of navigating its own way through space and powered by a solar-electric propulsion system.

NSF Awards CU-Boulder $3.1 Million To Support Materials Research Center

Oct. 18, 1998

The National Science Foundation has awarded the University of Colorado at Boulder $3.1 million to support the Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Materials Research Center. The grant marks the joining of CU-Boulder to an elite group of 25 universities funded by NSFÂ’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center program, which includes Harvard, MIT, Chicago, Princeton and Stanford. The funding is spread over four years and is renewable.

CU-Boulder Students Encouraged To Apply For $7,500 Scholarship

Oct. 15, 1998

University of Colorado at Boulder students interested in mathematics, the natural sciences or engineering are invited to apply to the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program in November. Interested CU-Boulder students need to obtain preliminary applications for the scholarship by contacting J.D. Meiss at 303-492-3731 by Nov.1. Students must submit their preliminary applications by Nov. 15.

CU's McNair Scholars Program Still Accepting Applications

Oct. 14, 1998

The McNair Scholars Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder is still accepting applications for spring 1999 academic programs through Oct. 23. Designed to help students who are underrepresented in graduate education earn doctoral degrees, the program is named for Ronald McNair, an African-American astronaut killed in the 1986 Challenger shuttle explosion.

CU Professors Co-Edit Book On Violence In American Schools

Oct. 13, 1998

A rash of school shootings in rural and suburban areas has alarmed the nation but most schools are very safe, according to a nationally renowned expert in juvenile violence at the University of Colorado at Boulder. "It's much safer to be in a school than at home or in the streets in front of your home," said Delbert Elliott, professor of sociology and director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence. The school shootings shocked people because of where they occurred.
