The Conversation
- Simchat Torah is about more than beginning to read the Torah all over again. It’s about the need to reexamine what we think we know, over and over again. CU expert Sam Boyd shares on The Conversation.
- Westminster Abbey has witnessed nearly a millennium of British history—but many rituals, like those at royal funerals, are by no means ancient. How has the ornate church and its significance to the monarchy changed over centuries? CU historian Paul Hammer shares on The Conversation.
- A heat wave that pushed California’s power grid to the limit and the water system failure in Mississippi are just two examples of how a growing maintenance backlog and increasing climate change are creating a golden age of infrastructure failure. CU expert Paul Chinowsky shares on The Conversation.
- Concrete is strong, durable, affordable and accessible. But the global concrete industry is responsible for more than 8% of greenhouse gas emissions—more than three times the emissions associated with aviation—and demand is rising. CU expert Wil Srubar shares on The Conversation: four innovative ways to clean up this notoriously hard to decarbonize industry.
- NASA is going back to the Moon (sans crew). The mission will mark a key step in bringing humans back to Earth’s dusty sidekick after a half-century hiatus. CU expert Jack Burns discusses what to expect on The Conversation.
- New energy modeling software provides insight into whether letting your air conditioner relax while you’re gone all day will save you energy—and money. Three CU Boulder engineers share on The Conversation.
- Whether you’re booking a plane ticket at the last minute or looking to go to a lackluster football game, you might encounter dynamic pricing, or adjusting prices in response to demand. CU expert Ovunc Yilmaz shares on The Conversation.
- From figuring out where memories are stored to how sensory information translates to behavior, new technologies are helping neuroscientists better understand how the brain works. Hear from several experts, including CU’s John Crimaldi, on The Conversation.
- Build a powerful enough laser, and you can shine it into space. Aim it well, and you can blind satellites. Aerospace engineering professor Iain Boyd discusses on The Conversation.
- The Supreme Court has found protections for people’s privacy in several constitutional amendments—and used it as a basis for some pretty fundamental protections. CU expert Scott Skinner-Thompson shares on The Conversation.