Roger Barry photo portrait

Roger Barry

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography • Arctic Climate; Cryosphere-Climate Interactions; Mountain Climate; Climate Change • Fellow of CIRES • Ph.D. University of Southampton, UK, 1965
Roger stepped down as Director of NSIDC in April 2008. He went to half time in January 2009 (through Dec 2010). The World Data Center library was named the Roger G. Barry Resource Office for Cryospheric Studies (ROCS). Roger was awarded a Humboldt Fellowship for Geophysics for 2009-10. Roger passed away on March 19, 2018 at the age of 82. See " In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus Roger Barry " Research...
Susan Beatty photo portrait

Susan Beatty

Professor Emerita of Geography • Plant ecology, soil science, disturbance ecology, biogeography, conservation and restoration ecology • Ph.D. Cornell, 1981
Research Interests My research concentrated on the analysis of spatial patterning and process in ecological systems, and soil-vegetation relationships in various ecosystems as affected by a range of human and natural disturbances. Ecosystems investigated include temperate deciduous and mixed coniferous forest (Montane US), grassland/forest ecotones (front range CO), mediterranean chaparral and grassland (CA), and high elevation grassland (PRC). Human disturbances studied include grazing, land use changes, and introduced species. Natural...
Barbara (Babs) Buttenfield

Barbara (Babs) Buttenfield

Professor Emerita of Geography • GIS,听Cartographic Generalization, Multi-Scale Databases • Ph.D. University of 开心鬼传媒, 1984
Research Interests I teach courses in Geographic Information Science, GIS Modeling, Cartography and Information Design. My research interests focus on generalization, understanding the impacts of scale and resolution on data and modeling, representing uncertainty, and designing visualization tools for environmental modeling. I am a Past President of the American Cartographic Association. In 2001, I was named GIS Educator of the Year by the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science. Recent...
T. Nelson Caine photo portrait

T. Nelson Caine

Professor Emeritus of Geography • Geomorphology and hydrology
Research Interests Research interests are in the fields of present-day erosional and hydrologic processes in mountain environments and in mass wasting and slope development. This includes studies of snow hydrology, streamflow generation, and sediment transport. It incorporates work on periglacial processes, mountain permafrost, and hillslope processes.Over the past 20 years, this has involved continuing work in the mountains of Colorado that is now incorporated into the Long-Term Ecological Research Program...
Ken Erickson photo portrait

Ken Erickson

Professor Emeritus of Geography • GIScience
Ken was an inspirational professor, with a calm character, teaching and inspiring 100鈥檚 of students in Cartography, GIS, and all fields of Geography. The KESDA lab (Kenneth Erickson Spatial Data Analysis Lab) was named in his honor for his dedication during the department's manual-to-digital transition of Cartography and GIS analysis in the 1990鈥檚 and early 2000's. Ken's Career in the Geography Department His major research interests were in conservation and...
Kenneth Foote photo portrait

Kenneth Foote

Professor Emeritus of Geography • American & European Landscape History; GIScience & Internet Techniques; Geography in Higher Education • Ph.D. University of Chicago, 1982
Email: I taught at CU from 2000 to 2013. In 2013, I moved to the University of Connecticut to head the geography program. The link to my UConn website is: My interests are in cartography and geographic information science particularly Internet-based applications; American and European landscape history, focusing on public memory and commemoration; and issues of geography in higher education particularly instructional technologies and professional development for early...
John Pitlick photo portrait

John Pitlick

Professor Emeritus of Geography • Geomorphology; Water Resources; Natural Hazards • Hydrologic Sciences • Ph.D. Colorado State University, 1988
Physical Geography
Research Interests My research focuses on linkages between surface-water hydrology and geomorphology in high-gradient river systems. The primary objective of this work is to develop a more complete understanding of the coupling between rivers and their surrounding landscapes. Field work is an important component of my research; the strategy used in many projects is to integrate field data with modeling techniques to quantify the effects of sediment transport on the...
Andrei Rogers photo portrait

Andrei Rogers

Professor Emeritus of Geography • Immigration; Internal Migration; Population Geographies; Urbanization • Senior Research Associate of IBS • Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
Research Interests Professor Rogers conducted research in three principal areas: immigration and the regional geography of the foreign-born population in the United States, elderly migration and settlement patterns, and the indirect estimation of migration. Imagine the geography of the foreign-born population in the United States at the middle of this century, and imagine its changes since then. How did the demographic processes of immigration, emigration, internal migration, and mortality act...
Konrad Steffen photo portrait

Konrad Steffen

Professor Emeritus of Geography • Climatology, Remote Sensing; • Dr. sc. nat. ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1983
Research Interests Climate studies in Polar Regions (Greenland and Antarctica) through process studies, modeling and satellite observations to address past, current and future climate variability and trends, and the response of ice sheets to climate warming and resulting sea level rise. Steffen's research was supported by NASA Cryospheric Sciences, NASA/GSFC, and NSF/Office of Polar Programs for climate system modeling, remote sensing application related to ocean-climate-sea ice interactions. He was the...
Tom Veblen photo portrait

Tom Veblen

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography • Biogeography; Conservation • Distinguished Research Lecturer • Arts and Sciences College Professor of Distinction • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1975
Physical Geography
Research Interests My main research interests are in forest ecology and vegetation dynamics in relation to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, especially as related to climate variability. I use tree rings to date past disturbance events such as fire and insect outbreaks. For more than 25 years I have been investigating how disturbances such as fire, blow down and bark beetle outbreaks interact in the forested landscapes of the Colorado Rocky...
Mark Williams photo portrait

Mark Williams

Professor Emeritus of Geography • Alpine Biogeochemistry; Hydrology; Snow Hydrology; and Nutrient Cycling. • Fellow of INSTAAR • Ph.D. University of California-Santa Barbara, 1991
Physical Geography
Research Interests The processes that determine the hydrochemistry and biogeochemistry of high-elevation basins including the storage and release of solutes from the snowpack, biogeochemical modifications of snowpack runoff, nutrient cycling, and hydrologic pathways and residence time. Current projects include the Rocky Mountains, Ecuadorian and Bolivian Andes, and Central Asian areas of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, and China. Recent Courses Include Spring 2017 GEOG 3251 (3) Mountain Geography Spring 2017 GEOG 4311/5100-001 (3)...