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Strategic Goals of G-RAP
Students will develop a sense of intellectual purpose that equips them to be active participants in the life of a major research university and beyond.
- understand the new expectations of college-level learning
- take initiative in their academic endeavors
- confidently and actively participate in class activities
- develop interdisciplinary thinking
- navigate complex information landscapes (information literacy)
- develop skills that will enable them to work collaboratively as well as independently
- welcome and seek out a wide diversity of thought in order to think critically and solve problems creatively
Students will build early connections with faculty, staff, and peers.
- participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities, building connections with others in their RAP community
- feel a sense of inclusion by being integrated into the campus community including developing connections to, and an understanding of, the campus beyond their RAP community
- develop a sense of global citizenship and cross-cultural interconnectedness
- be empowered to overcome feelings of loneliness, isolation, and anxiety
- learn to self-advocate for their specific learning needs and styles
Students will understand the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion in learning and community.
- critically engage with discussions of power, privilege, and intersectionality to understand how their social positions affect their perspectives
- interrogate and evaluate perspectives of texts, experts, and other sources
- feel empowered to voice their multiple identities in the classroom
- participate in co-curricular activities that include a wide variety of voices, perspectives, and communities on campus and beyond
- engage respectfully and meaningfully with others from diverse backgrounds and different perspectives
Students will develop their creative thinking, critical analysis, and communication skills.
- understand the importance of original thought and interpretation
- develop and communicate their own informed analyses
- evaluate both quantitative and qualitative data, demonstrate inductive and deductive reasoning, and demonstrate the ability to make an argument from evidence
- present research and arguments in writing and oral presentations