Recent Publications

Complete list of publications available at the 


  1. J. Bartos, T. Ba Tis, M. Nie, S.-W. Huang, and W. Park, "", Nano Lett., Published online.
  2. C. Corbella Bagot, T. Ba Tis, B. Xu, C. Sabo, E. Rappeport, W. Park, "", Adv. Opt. Mater. 12, 2400393 (2024).
  3. T. Ba Tis, C. Sabo, B. Xu, C. Corbella Bagot, E. Rappeport, W. Park, "", Nanoscale 16, 7690 - 7699 (2024).


  1. M. Grayson, G. Krueper, B. Xu, M. Zohrabi, D. Hjelme, J. T. Gopinath, W. Park, "", Opt. Express 31, 877- 889 (2023).


  1. S. Roy, S. Curry, C. Corbella Bagot, E. Mueller, A. Mansouri, W. Park, J. Cha, and A. Goodwin, "", ACS Nano, 16, 15873–15883 (2022).
  2. T. Shanavas, M. Grayson, B. Xu, M. Zohrabi, W. Park, and J. Gopinath, "", APL Photonics, 7, 116108 (2022).
  3. M. Grayson, B. Xu, T. Shanavas, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, "", Opt. Express 30, 31107-31121 (2022).
  4. C. Corbella Bagot, E. Rappeport, A. Das, T. Ba Tis, W. Park, "", Adv. Opt. Mater. 10, 2200242 (2022).


  1. W. Park, A. Das and K. Bae, "", in , Eds. J. S. Lissau and M. Madsen, (Springer, 2022).
  2. A. Das, C. Corbella Bagot, E. Rappeport, T. Ba Tis, and W. Park, "Quantitative modeling and experimental verification of Förster resonant energy transfer in upconversion nanoparticle biosensors", J. Appl. Phys.130, 023102 (2021).
  3. K. Bae, B. Xu, A. Das, C. Wolenski, E. Rappeport and W. Park, "", RSC Advances 11, 18205-18212 (2021).
  4. B. Xu, B. M. Heffernan, K. Bae, M. E. Siemens, J. T. Gopinath and W. Park, "", Opt. Express 29, 13071-13083 (2021).
  5. M.J. Jeon, X. Ma, J.U. Lee, H. Roh, C.C. Bagot, W. Park, and S.J. Sim, "", J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 2502–2510 (2021).


  1. K. Bae, J. Zhu, C. Wolenski, A. Das, T. M. Horning, S. Pampel, M. B. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, “”, ACS Photonics  7, 3042−3048 (2020).
  2. S. Pampel, K. Bae, M. Zohrabi, M. B. Grayson, T. M. Horning, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “Third-Harmonic Generation Enhancement in an ITO Nanoparticle-Coated Microresonator”, Opt. Express 28, 30004 (2020). 
  3. J. Zhu, T. M. Horning, M. Zohrabi, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “”, Optica 7, 1645 (2020).
  4. A. Das, K. Bae and W. Park, "Enhancement of upconversion luminescence using photonic nanostructures", Nanophotonics 9, 1359–1371 (2020).


  1. M. Grayson, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, J. Zhu, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, "Enhancement of third-order nonlinearity of thermally evaporated GeSbSe waveguides through annealing", Opt. Express 27, 33606 (2019).
  2. C. Mao, K. Min, K. Bae, S. K. Cho, T. Xu, H. Jeon and W. Park, "", ACS Photon. 6, 1882-1888 (2019).
  3. G. Tessitore,  G. A. Mandl,  M. G. Brik,  W. Park  and  J. A. Capobianco, "", Nanoscale 11, 12015-12029 (2019).
  4. J. Zhu, M. Zohrabi, K. Bae, T. M. Horning, M. B. Grayson, W. Park, and J. T. Gopinath, "", Optica 6, 716-722 (2019).
  5. X. Ma, S. Song, S. Kim, M.-S. Kwon, H. Lee, W. Park, and S. J. Sim, “”, Nat. Comm.10, 836 (2019).
  6. S. K. Cho, L.-J. Su, C. Mao, C. D. Wolenski, T. W. Flaig, W. Park, "", Mater. Sci. Eng. C  9, 784-792 (2019).
  7. Y. Kim, S. Baek, P. Gupta, C. Kim, K. Chang, S.-P. Ryu, H. Kang, W. S. Kim, J.-M. Myoung, W. Park, K. Kim, “”, Sci. Rep.9, 2265 (2019).


  1. A. Das, C. Mao, S. Cho, K. Kim and W. Park, “Over 1000-fold enhancement of upconversion luminescence of NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ nanocrystals using water-dispersible plasmonic metal-insulator-metal nanostructures”, Nat. Comm. 9, 4828 (2018).
  2. Y. Ryu, C. Kim, J. Ahn, A. M. Urbas, W. Park, and K. Kim, “”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 29884–29892 (2018).
  3. C. Kim, S. Baek, Y. Ryu, Y. Kim, D. Shin, C.-W. Lee, W. Park, A. M. Urbas, G. Kang and K. Kim , “”, Sci. Rep.  8, 15144 (2018).
  4. D. Shin, G. Kang, P. Gupta, S. Behera, H. Lee, A. M. Urbas, W. Park, and K. Kim, “”, Adv. Opt. Mater. 61800317 (2018).
  5. L. He, C. Mao, M. Brasino, A. Harguindey, W. Park, A. Goodwin and J. Cha, “”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 10, 27965–27971 (2018).
  6. M. Brasino, S. Roy, A. Erbse, L. He, C. Mao, W. Park, J. Cha and A. Goodwin, “”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 11820–11828 (2018).
  7. L. Qiu, R. Mccaffrey, Y. Jin, Y. Gong, Y. Hu, H. Sun, W. Park and W. Zhang, “”, Chem. Sci.9, 676-680, (2018), doi:10.1039/c7sc03148c.


  1. X. Yang, L.-J. Su, F. G. La Rosa, E. E. Smith, I. R. Schlaepfer, S. K. Cho, B. Kavanagh, W. Park and T. W. Flaig, “”,&Բ;Bladder Cancer 3, 201-210 (2017).
  2. G. Kang, M. R. Krogstad, M. Grayson, D.-G. Kim, H. Lee, J. T. Gopinath, and W. Park, “’, Opt. Express25, 15581-15589 (2017).
  3. D. Lu, A. Das and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Opt. Express 25, 12999-13009 (2017).
  4. L. He, M. Brasino, C. Mao, S. K. Cho, W. Park, A. P. Goodwin and J. N. Cha, “”,&Բ;Small 13, 1700504-7 (2017).


  1. M. R. Krogstad, S. Ahn, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “”,&Բ;IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 28, 2720-2723 (2016).
  2. X. Ma, J. Huh, W. Park, L. Lee, Y. J. Kwon and S. J. Sim, “”,&Բ;Nat. Comm. 7, 12873 (2016).
  3. A. M. Nardes, S. Ahn, D. Rourke, A. J. Ferguson, J. van de Lagemaat, W. Park, N. Kopidakis, “”,&Բ;Org. Electron. 39, 59-63 (2016).
  4. L. He, J. Dragavon, S. Cho, C. Mao, A. Yildirim, K. Ma, R. Chattaraj, A. P. Goodwin, W. Park, J. N. Cha, “”, J. Mater. Chem. B 4, 4455-4461 (2016).
  5. D. Lu, C. Mao, S. K. Cho, S. Ahn and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Sci. Rep. 6, 18894 (2016).
  6. S. Ahn, D. Rourke and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J.Opt. 18, 033001 (2016).


  1. K. Bae, G. Kang, S. K. Cho, W. Park, K. Kim and W. J. Padilla, ”,&Բ;Nat. Comm. 6, 10103 (2015).
  2. L. He, C. Mao, S. Cho, K. Ma, W. Xi, C. N. Bowman, W. Park and J. N. Cha, “”,&Բ;Nanoscale 7, 17254-17260 (2015).
  3. W. Park, D. Lu and S. Ahn, “”,&Բ;Chem. Soc. Rev. 44, 2940-2962 (2015).
  4. M. R. Krogstad, S. Ahn, W. Park and J. T. Gopinath, “”,&Բ;Opt. Express 23, 7870-7878 (2015).


  1. D. Rourke, S. Ahn, A. M. Nardes, J. van de Lagemaat, N. Kopidakis and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Appl. Phys. 116, 114510 (2014).
  2. J. Zhou, W. Han, Y. Meng, H. Song, D. Mu and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Lightwave Technol. 32, 3502-3508 (2014).
  3. D. Lu, S. K. Cho, S. Ahn, L. Brun, C. J. Summers and W. Park, “”, ACS Nano 8, 7780-7792 (2014).
  4. K. Choi, Y. Cui, V. A. Tamma, W. Park and J.-B. Park, “”,&Բ;IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 26, 603-605 (2014)
  5. J. Zhou, Y. Meng, H. Song, W. Han, D. Mu, X. Di, T. Liu and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Opt. Commun. 88, 329 (2014)
  6. W. Park, “”,&Բ;Nano Convergence 1, 2 (2014)
  7. Z. Li, W. Park, G. Zorzetto, J. Lemaire, and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;Chem. Mater. 26, 1770-1778 (2014)
  8. R. McCaffrey, H. Long, W. Park, and W. Zhang, “”,&Բ;J. Am. Chem. Soc136, 1782-1785 (2014)
  9. S. K. Cho, K. Emoto, L.-J. Su, X. Yang, T. W. Flaig and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. 10, 1267-1276 (2014)


  1. N. Azarova, A. J. Ferguson, J. van de Lagemaat, E. Rengnath, W. Park, J. C. Johnson, “”,&Բ;J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 2658-2663 (2013).
  2. D. Lu, E. Rengnath, Y. Cui, Z. Wang, Y. Ding, and W. Park, "”,&Բ;Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 241114 (2013).
  3. W. Park, K. Emoto, Y. Jin, A. Shimizu, V. A. Tamma, and W. Zhang, “”,&Բ;Optical Materials Express 3, 205-215 (2013).
  4. V. A. Tamma, Y. Cui and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Optics Express 21, 1041-1056 (2013).
  5. V. A. Tamma, Y. Cui, J. Zhou and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Nanoscale 5, 1592-1602 (2013).

2012 and earlier

  1. E. Dudley and W. Park, "”,&Բ;J. Lightwave Technol. 30, 3401-3406 (2012).
  2. X. Yu, C. J. Summers, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Appl. Phys. 111, 073524 (2012).
  3. Y. Cui, J. Zhou, V. A. Tamma, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;ACS Nano 6, 2385–2393 (2012)
  4. A. Agrawal, W. Park and R. Piestun, “”,&Բ;Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 083109 (2012).
  5. J. Blair, D. Brown, V. A. Tamma, W. Park, and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 28, 1222-1230 (2010).
  6. V. A. Tamma, J. Blair, C. J. Summers and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Optics Express 18, 25746-25756 (2010).
  7. Y. Cui, V. A. Tamma, J.-B. Lee and W. Park, “”,&Բ;IEEE Photonics Journal 2, 1003-1012 (2010)
  8. R. Pratibha, K. Park, W. Park and I. I. Smalyukh, “”,&Բ;J. Appl. Phys. 107, 063511 (2010)
  9. W. Park, “”,&Բ;Laser Phys. Lett. 7, 93-103 (2010)
  10. V. A. Tamma, J.-H. Lee, Q. Wu and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Appl. Opt. 49, A11?A17 (2010)
  11. R. Pratibha, K. Park, I. I. Smalyukh, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Optics Express17, 19459-19469 (2009)
  12. J. H. Lee, J. Blair, V. A. Tamma, Q. Wu, S. J. Rhee, C. J. Summers and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Optics Express 17, 12922-12928 (2009)
  13. W. Park and J.-B. Lee, “”,&Բ;Optics and Photonics News, Jan. 2009.
  14. J. H. Lee, Q. Wu, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Opt. Lett. 34, 443-445 (2009)
  15. M. A. Weimer, A. W. Weimer, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Appl. Phys. 104, 114516 (2008)
  16. W. Park and J. Kim, Guest Editors, , October, 2008.
  17. Q. Wu, J. M. Gibbons and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Opt. Express 16, 16941 (2008)
  18. J. H. Lee and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Func. Mater. Lett. 1, 65 (2008)
  19. Q. Wu and W. Park, “”,&Բ;Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 153114 (2008)
  20. W. Park and Q. Wu, “”,&Բ;Solid State Commun. 146, 221 (2008)
  21. Y. Cui, Q. Wu, E. Schonbrun, M. Tinker, J.-B. Lee, and W. Park, "", IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 20, 641 (2008)
  22. W. Park and Q. Wu, “”,&Բ;J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci5, 476 (2008)
  23. Q. Wu, E. Schonbrun, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24, A45-A51 (2007)
  24. E. Schonbrun, Q. Wu, W. Park, M. Abashin, Y. Fainman, J. Blair, and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;Opt. Express 15, 8065 (2007).
  25. H.-J. Kim, S. Kim, H. Jeon, J. Ma, S. H. Choi, S. Lee, C. Ko, and W. Park, “Fluorescence amplification using colloidal photonic crystal platform in sensing dye-labeled deoxyribonucleic acids”,&Բ;Sensors and Actuators B 124, 147-152 (2007)
  26. E. Schonbrun, Q. Wu, W. Park, M. Abashin, Y. Fainman, T. Yamashita and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 041113 (2007).
  27. J. H. Lee, Q. Wu and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Mater. Res. 21, 3215 (2006).
  28. E. Schonbrun, Q. Wu, W. Park, T. Yamashita, and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;Opt. Lett. 31, 3104 (2006).
  29. Z. A. Sechrist, B. T. Schwartz, J. H. Lee, J. A. McCormick, R. Piestun, W. Park, and S. M. George, “”,&Բ;Chem. Mater. 18, 3562 (2006)
  30. E. Schonbrun, T. Yamashita, W. Park and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;Phys. Rev. B 73, 195117 (2006)
  31. W. Park and J. Owens, “Future Directions in the Treatment of Oral Cancer”,&Բ;Otolar. Clinics North Am. 39, 381 (2006)
  32. Q. Wu, E. Schonbrun and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23, 479 (2006)
  33. M. Tinker, E. Schonbrun, J-B. Lee, and W. Park, “”,&Բ;J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 24, 705 (2006)
  34. E. Schonbrun, M. Tinker, W. Park and J.-B. Lee, “”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 17, 1196 (2005)
  35. Q. Wu and W. Park, “Broadband Sub-Wavelength Imaging by Mechanically Tunable Photonic Crystal”,&Բ;J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 2, 202 (2005)
  36. W. Park and J.-B. Lee, “”,Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 4845 (2004)
  37. W. Park and C. J. Summers, “”,&Բ;Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 2013 (2004)
  38. C. J. Summers, C. W. Neff and W. Park, “Active Photonic Crystal Nano-Architectures”,&Բ;J. Nonlinear Opt. Phys. Mater. 12, 587 (2003)
  39. J. S. King, C. W. Neff, C. J. Summers, W. Park, S. Blomquist, E. Forsythe and D. Morton, “High-filling-fraction inverted ZnS opals fabricated by atomic layer deposition”,&Բ;Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 2566 (2003)
  40. J. Ihanus, M. Ritala, M. Leskela, E. Soininen, W. Park, A. E. Kaloyeros, W. Harris, K. W. Barth, A. W. Topol, T. Sajavaara, and J. Keinonen, “Blue and green emitting SrS:Cu electroluminescent devices deposited by the atomic layer deposition technique”,&Բ;J. Appl. Phys. 94, 3862 (2003)
  41. W. Park and C. J. Summers, "Extraordinary Refraction and Dispersion in 2D Photonic Crystal Slabs", Opt. Lett. 27, 1387 (2002)
  42. W. Park, C. J. Summers, Y. R. Do and H. G. Yang, "Photoluminescence Properties of the Red Emitting BaGdB9O16:Eu Phosphor", J. Mater. Sci. 37, 4041 (2002)
  43. W. Park, J. S. King, C. W. Neff, C. Liddell and C. J. Summers, "ZnS-Based Photonic Crystals", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 229, 949 (2002) 
  44. P. D. Rack, J. J. Peterson, M. D. Potter and W. Park, "Eu+3 and Cr+3 Doping for Red Cathodoluminescence in ZnGa2O4", J. Mater. Res. 16, 1429 (2001)
  45. Y. R. Do, D. H. Park, H. G. Yang, W. Park, B. K. Wagner, K. Yasuda and C. J. Summers, "Uniform Nano-Scale SiO2 Encapsulation of ZnS Phosphors for Improved Aging Properties under Low Voltage Electron Beam Excitation", J. Electrochem. Soc148, G548 (2001)
  46. S. W. Lu, T. Copeland, B. I. Lee, W. Tong, B. K. Wagner, W. Park and F. Zhang, "Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Mn2+ doped Zn2SiO4 phosphors by a Hydrothermal Method", J. Phys. Chem. Solids 62, 777 (2001)