Potential Visiting Scholars in Linguistics
The Linguistics department welcomes self-funded visiting scholars for short-term residency-based research activities at the University of Colorado. The Department of Linguistics has limited office space and resources and is not always able to accommodate all applicants. Linguistics Visiting Scholars conduct research in collaboration with a Linguistics faculty host, and CU serves as the visa sponsor if the visting scholar is international. All visiting scholar appointments must be approved by the chair of the Linguistics department, so approval by the faculty host does not guarantee a visiting scholar invitation. CU grants the privilege of hosting a visting scholar only to actively employed (i.e. not retired), regularly appointed faculty members in the Linguistics department.
International and domestic scholars interested in pursuing a visiting scholar appointment at the Department of Linguistics should:
- Identify and contact a potential faculty host from the Linguistics faculty list. Only regularly appointed, actively employed faculty members are eligible to serve as hosts of visiting scholars. Once the prospective faculty host agrees to host you, and to the term (start and end dates) of the visit, the potential faculty host will seek the approval of Linguistics department chair. Faculty hosts are expected to provide on-site support and introduce visiting scholars to appropriate campus contacts. The faculty host must complete the and J-1 Exchange Visitor Proof of English Proficiency Form, to be provided by Linguistics in step 3 below. For international visiting scholars please note that visa processes can require a minimum of 2-3 months after step three (below) has been completed, so plan accordingly.
- Once the visit (and dates of the visit) are approved by both potential faculty host and Linguistics chair, prepare a Project Description of no more than 2 pages indicating the project objectives, qualifications of the visiting scholar, timeline for completion of the project (including updated dates of residency at the University of Colorado), and indication of the resources at the University of Colorado needed to complete the project. Such resources may be library holdings, expertise of the Linguistics faculty, or other resources otherwise unavailable at the visiting scholar’s home institution. The Project Description should be submitted to Ethan McGinnis along with a CV and a statement of financial resources.
- International visiting scholars, upon receiving approval from the Linguistics chair and the faculty host, must pay a processing fee of $200 to Linguistics. Linguistics will provide information about necessary paperwork.
- Visting scholars are welcome to attend public departmental and campus events, including colloquia, and may sometimes be invited to give colloquia themselves. Upon invitation, visiting scholars may also observe departmental research group meetings and courses.
Requiring adherence to these procedures helps the Department ensure that all visiting scholars have a productive and safe visit to CU that also contributes to the academic life of the Department.