Field Ornithology

Summer 2024,  July 8th - July 20th

rosy finch
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This course will provide an in-depth exploration of field ornithology, including avian evolution, functional morphology, physiology, ecology and behavior of birds. Field and lab-based study will emphasize morphology, ecology and behavior, taxonomy, field identification of local birds by sight and sound, and field methods (e.g., point counts, mist netting, bird banding).

Each day will involve time in the field, and a combination of lab and lecture time. The latter part of the course will be devoted to group projects that use field methods students learn during the first week.

Instructors: Dr. Haley Kenyon, University of Colorado Boulder
Location: Mountain Research Station (Nederland, CO) and surrounding areas
Dates & Times: July 8th - July 20th, Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat
Credit: 3 credit hours in biology (EBIO 4100)
Tuition: $2,050, (Includes room in a 2-person rustic cabin and all meals at the Mountain Research Station on days when class is in session)

Prerequisite: One year course work in general biology.

Prerequisite:  All students will be required to take "Animal Care and Use Training" before the first day of class.  Training is on-line and takes 2-3 hours.  Training is required to do any animal handling.  Additional required training, Health and Occupational Safety training will be provided on the first day of class.  Instructions on accessing on-line training will be e-mailed several weeks before class.

For More Information:

Course Syllabus (pdf)

Dr. Haley Kenyon
University of Colorado

Questions about staying at the Mountain Research Station during your course?  See our .

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