

We always look back. Photo taken by John Glenn on Feb. 2, 1962 during his flight as the first American to orbit the Earth. Source: .

Here in Boulder, the nearest ocean is far away–820 miles from campus to the Southern California Bight. So, why do the tropical oceans matter, even to citizens of Colorado (and the world)?Read more »

The Oceans and Climate Lab at explores the dynamics of the coupled Earth system toward useful predictions of impacts ranging from marine ecosystems to human health. Specifically, we aim to understand the circuitry of the tropical ocean and atmosphere, its interaction with ecosystems and with higher latitude regions, how and why the climate system has changed in the past, and how climate will continue to change in the future–both naturally and as driven by human activities. We employ a "big data" methodology, leveraging satellite and instrumental observations, large international ensembles of global coupled climate model simulations, and running several ocean and atmosphere circulation models in house. See Projects for more information.

The Oceans and Climate Lab is led by Prof. Kris Karnauskas and is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences (), the Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (), and the Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex (). Visit the Group page for information on current students and postdocs in the lab.

Our lab highly values diversity and inclusivity. If you do, too, and are interested in joining the lab as an undergraduate, graduate student, or postdoc, visit the Opportunities page.